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20 years of SOLWorld!

What does SOLWorld stand for? On the SOLWorld website we can read: SOLWorld stands for Solutions in Organisations Link-up. The strap line is “Sharing and Building Solutions Focused practice in organisations”. For us, sharing is the key word. The originators of the approach, Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg, have not trade marked their work. Indeed, the SF approach itself is based on collaboration. It is important to us that SOLWorld retains this generosity of spirit and the collaborative ethos.

SF24 Global Online Conference 2025

We are thrilled to announce the dates for the next SF24 conference! Please save the date 2-3 May and find more information here soon.

Solution Focused Leadership Summit

On 29-31 October 2021, SF experts will be sharing their years of knowledge, strategies and tactics. Whether you’re focused on managing change, building culture, enhancing motivation, goal attainment, strengthening engagement, coaching skills or increasing business agility, we've got you covered.