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New twists on big group activities

Janine Waldman I love finding and developing new activities and also get great satisfaction from the efficiency and emergent nature of tweaking classic activities to apply to a given topic. This session shares some examples of both, and how we’ve used them to meet specific needs and to illustrate specific SF concepts in our work with clients on their leadership and team programmes.

To go full Jedi

John Brooker & Annie Bordeleau [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TG-CLXDUio4] Introduction by John Brooker What can people in organisations learn about the use of SF from social workers working with children and families? A great deal it seems. Sue Lancaster is a Service Manager in the Children and Family Service department of Essex Council in England. She manages The Divisional Based Intervention Team Service (D-BIT). This is an “edge of care” service which steps in where there is concern over family relationships breaking down and fragmentation may lead to children being moved in to care.

"Focus on the 80%"

Tara Gretton Introduced by Anna-Julia Szabo In this interview, we see how the Solution Focus approach has changed the culture of a school. There is a focus on enabling students and staff to have meaningful conversations, concentrating on possibilities and solutions and what is already working.

Application of SF Methods

Jody’s curiosity about what her friend did with her client that worked, could be compared to the attention the developers of solution-focused practice paid to what worked in the therapy they were doing. It also makes her article as much about learning the solution-focused approach as about its application to court proceedings.

The “Users Guide to the Future” as a Coaching Tool

Mark McKergow and Peter Röhrig Le “Guide du routard vers le futur” un outil de coaching (French translation by Mathieu) Article Model In their book “Host – Six New Roles of Engagement” (2014, pp.45 – 59) Mark McKergow and Helen Bailey present the following model which illuminates the responsiveness of hosting and helps Host Leaders (and indeed SF workers) think about where to put their focus; how to connect long-term hopes and objectives with short-term action. It outlines a way of working with uncertainty that is both efficient – getting lots of action for less effort – and responsive to the unfolding future.

An SFiO peer review conversation on a SF piece of work

Wim Sucaet, John Wheeler & John Brooker SFiO - Solution Focus in Organisations · Wim Sucaet Introduction by John Brooker This recording and the review comments below are intended to demonstrate an example of a real SFiO review process in action. We hope that it might awaken your interest in having a piece of work reviewed by your peers, or attract you to become a reviewer; if you have already been reviewed.

Looking for opportunities.

John Brooker, Wendy Van den Bulck and Brent-Gardiner Introduced by John Brooker Wendy Van den Bulck is an SF leadership trainer in Belgium who works with horses to teach leaders how to become meaningful to others. I had always thought she applied Solution Focus with horses. As Wendy explains in the video, horses use Solutions Focus with people and each other, one might say, they are “SF Inside”, (with acknowledgement to Yasuteru Aoki, an SF practitioner from Japan, for that concept).

"Make Life Simple"

Andrew Gibson Reviewed by Wendy Van den Bulck Just as the whole world is overwhelmed by complexity, here’s Andrew’s latest book, ‘Make Life Simple’. I’d say, brilliant timing… I met Andrew on two occasions; the SOL World Conference in Frankfurt in 2017 and the SFiO Unconference ‘SF use in Large Scale Contexts’ in 2019, long before he wrote this book. Having read his book, I realise now that in our conversations at these events, Andrew did a lot of what he describes. He is a great explorer of desired outcomes, is authentically interested in peoples’ stories and is always thinking about opportunities that make a difference. That, to me, is one of the purest things that I can say about the book; he writes from within, and you can read that in every word.

Become (even) better at making choices

Wendy Van den Bulck Introduced by Owen Charnley “There is no doubt that great conversations play an important role in helping people change.” Wendy Van Den Bulck From: “Connective Clarity (When Horses Invite You to Take Up Authentic Solution Focused Leadership”) In this edited recording of an SF24 workshop, Wendy summarises core elements from her book Connective Clarity. She provides many valuable tips on using SF to coach people in the art of Solution Focus, particularly on making choices.

SF Parenting

Ayse Adil & Joe Lettieri Introduced by Jenny Clarke Who better to bear witness to the value of SF than the client? In this video, we hear a powerful testimony from four clients of Family Based Solutions (FBS), an organisation based in Enfield, London, who works collaboratively with families using the solution focused approach. They share what their journey with FBS has meant to them, their families, and their wider communities.