Unleash the power of sharing and generosity! Contribute to SFiO in 2024 to help our initiatives flourish!


Daniel Meier

Daniel is a Coach, trainer and mentor for Brief Coaches for over 17 years. As co-founder and owner of Solutionsurfers he is a worldwide acting facilitator for SF Coaching Programmes and author of several books about it.

Fabienne Stalder

Solution focused enthusiast, with a passion for visible details! Fabienne is an independent coach and trainer. With much dedication and enthusiasm, she is part of the international network of Solutionsurfers in Switzerland and abroad. International ausgerichtetes Ausbildungsinstitut für Kurzzeitcoaching mit Akkreditierung der ICF SOLUTIONSURFING steht für eine erfrischend andere Art, zu führen, zu coachen und Veränderung zu erzeugen. www.solutionsurfers.ch / www.solutionsurfers.com

Fabienne Stalder

Solution focused enthusiast, with a passion for visible details! Simone is an independent coach and trainer. With much dedication and enthusiasm, she is part of the international network of Solutionsurfers in Switzerland and abroad. Inhaberin Firma Simone Gaio GmbH - Coaching und Training Expertin für lösungsfokussierte Kommunikation: Coaching, Teamcoaching, Führung und Training Dozentin an verschiedenen Institutionen in Coaching-Ausbildungen Coach für Einzelpersonen (Führungs- und Alltagsthemen) und für Teams (Teambildung, Konfliktlösung, Strategieentwicklung) Organisationsberaterin für Institutionen und Firmen (Kommunikation, Kooperation, Führungskultur) Leidenschaftliche Gestalterin von Flipcharts mit grossem Engagement um diese Freude weiterzugeben

Jesper Hankovszky Christiansen

I am working with the solution-focused approach in the field of coaching, team coaching, large groups interventions and conference facilitation for Jesper H Christiansen and Solutionsurfers. Try out my free Coaching app: Minute Dice - www.minutedice.com As a partner in Edgeware Creative Entrepreneurship, I support start-ups and small companies clarifying key products, passion and ethics. Working primarily in Switzerland and Denmark and other European countries. Based in Lenzburg, Switzerland, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Julia Kalenberg

In 1997 I founded my own company and since then I have been accompanying teams and individuals on their way to success. By this I mean something very practical: I give you the framework in which you can talk about your preferred future (instead of what you don’t want), about things that already work (instead of deficits), about signs of progress and small steps. These small steps - consistently followed - practical tools and my extensive experience in various industries are things that my clients appreciate.

Katalin Hankovszky

Katalin Hankovszky Christiansen M.A., PCC is an independent trainer and coach. Coming from a pedagogical background, she has work in the business and training environments since 1995. She leads the Hungarian faculty of Solutionsurfers, is a SOLWorld enthusiast from the very beginning and has invested some years in educational research. Katalin is training teachers to use Solution-Focus as learning design in the classroom.

Peter Szabó

As an executive coach Peter specializes in coaching individuals who seek sustainable results within a short period of time. He has worked with top leaders and supported change projects for Roche in Basel, Lufthansa Systems in Budapest, Petronas in Kuala Lumpur, SAP in Heidelberg and for Andritz Hydro in New Dehli. He draws on more than 30 years of experience as entrepreneur and coach. Peter has founded Solutionsurfers a Swiss based coach training company in 1997. With 13 worldwide partners it now offers services on four continents and in nine languages. Peter has personally trained more than 3000 professional coaches before selling the company in 2016. He remains a Master Certified Coach with the International Coach Federation. Peter’s passion and expertise lies in successfully detecting and amplifying Clues of Progress for sustainable change. He builds on the paradigm-changing work of Steve De Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg in creating effective conversations. Peter has co-authored the bestselling books “Brief Coaching for Lasting Solutions” and “Coaching plain and simple”. His writings have been translated into 16 languages.

SFiO deutschsprachige Chapter

Herzlich Willkommen bei der deutschsprachigen Sektion (Chapter) von SFiO. Seit 2011 bieten wir einen Raum für persönliche Begegnungen und den Erfahrungsaustausch auf Deutsch.

Tomas Horak

Tomas Horak, an SF coach for leaders, teams and organisations that want to transform their culture, linking SF, self-organisation and design thinking to explore new ways of working. He is driven by his passion to support people’s development, especially when it comes to their potential of communicating and collaborating with each other. People can only develop their full potential when their resources and skills are fully appreciated and their personal and collective purposes are consistent with each other.