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New Zealand

Looking for opportunities.

John Brooker, Wendy Van den Bulck and Brent-Gardiner Introduced by John Brooker Wendy Van den Bulck is an SF leadership trainer in Belgium who works with horses to teach leaders how to become meaningful to others. I had always thought she applied Solution Focus with horses. As Wendy explains in the video, horses use Solutions Focus with people and each other, one might say, they are “SF Inside”, (with acknowledgement to Yasuteru Aoki, an SF practitioner from Japan, for that concept).

Using the Solution Focus Approach in the New Zealand Police with Young Offenders

Emma Burns, Greg Oberbeck Introduction Solution Focused Practice within the Police. Yes, you read that correctly, the use of Solution Focused Practice within the Police. Emma Burns talks about a government initiative in New Zealand to identify and support young people to help them avoid a road of offending and instead be on a path towards a better life. While that was the initial aim, even more has been achieved in the work Emma has been doing.

A conversation with Emma Burns

Emma Burns & Carey Glass SFiO - Solution Focus in Organisations · Emma Burns - Developing Support For SF In Organisations Introduced by Carey Glass Can you imagine the police saying: “We see you when things are really bad, what would things look like on a good day?” or getting this feedback “This is the first time I have ever felt you care.”

Emma Burns

Emma is a registered psychologist, having worked in mental health, education and suicide bereavement. She has been employed by NZ Police since 2010, and discovered the Solution Focused approach in 2011, and has become a self-described “SF enthusiast.” She spent seven years using the Solution Focused approach working with young offenders, before moving into the family harm team in 2018. She has recently developed a project “Conversations in Custody” focused on engaging with people in police custody. She also provides training in the Solution Focused approach for police.