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"Practical ideas for stimulating quality in trainings"

This article is a summary of ideas for stimulating the quality of training that we have collected from personal experiences, from our colleagues and associates and especially from all the skilful trainers at the SFCT trainers conference in Frankfurt in October 2011. We were fascinated by the rich variety of peda- gogical and ingenious activities!

Book Review - 'The Solution Tango''

Louis Cauffman & Kirsten Dierolf Abstract The Solution Tango is about “management as the art of getting things done through people” (p. 13). It promises insights and tools aimed at the achievement of organisational goals through managers who act as both leader (direction- giver) and coach (enablers of performance). It positions itself as a guide for practitioners – “theoretical considerations are reduced to a minimum” – but nevertheless offers material for the theoretically curious.

"From Best Hopes to Platform!"

A Global Chapter Meeting with Jenny Clarke Introduced by Stanus Cloete In this SFiO Global Chapter Meeting, Jenny Clarke talks about From Best Hopes to Platform. As the title suggests, she addresses the jargon that we, as SF practitioners use. Different practitioners may use different questions to formulate the Platform. The thought-provoking question is, “What do we want to accomplish with the questions we ask?” To illustrate this, in her talk, Jenny focuses on the start of a conversation as a distinct chunk.