Unleash the power of sharing and generosity! Contribute to SFiO in 2024 to help our initiatives flourish!

SFiO Contributors

If you are interested to grow the use of Solution Focus in organisations, you are welcome to become an active contributor in the SFiO Network. You can contribute financially, which enables us to maintain the online journal, expand our physical Chapters for people to meet, run conferences, manage the Global Online Chapter, video SOLWorld conference talks, expand our SF resource library and develop new ways of promoting, supporting and applying SF in organisations.

You can also go beyond the financial aspect and contribute to host or speak at local Chapter meeting, facilitate the Global online Chapter session, write an article, edit and publish our online journal, carry out reviews with individuals who wish to be reviewed and create the library. You also have the opportunity to participate in discussion and decision making through our Loomio platform, e.g advising on how SFiO spends the contributions made. In this way, we seek to make SFiO as open as possible.

Watch John Brooker and Annie Bordeleau talk about why we use the contributor model instead of a membership model and how we invest your contributions.

Our contribution year for 2023 starts on 1 March and ends on 31 December. We welcome contributions between £30 and £100 from those who can do so. The variable contribution provides the opportunity for anyone to be part of the SFiO network, the more we raise, the more we can do. We also understand that the current economic situation may make it difficult for some to contribute financially at present, so our ticket enables you to contribute from £1. Young practitioners are also very welcome and can register for an Under 25 ticket, also from £1.

The main purpose of your gift is to offer SFiO the opportunity to showcase more and more of the great SF work that is done in organisations across the world and to offer a platform for practioners to learn and grow with the approach.

Once we receive your contribution, we will keep you posted on all of the upcoming features in the InterAction Journal and chapter events. You can share your views and shape decisions made for the network. You also have the opportunity to become a Reviewed Practitioner, having a piece of your SF work in an organisation reviewed with your peers at no charge, with an elaborate reviewed practitioner profile on our website.

A very big thank you to our 2022 Contributors: You have enabled everything we have done to connect the SF community in 2022 and enriched our knowledge of how SF contributes to organisations worldwide.

Find here the SFiO contributor code of ethics.

Thank you to our 2023-2004 contributors: