Bringing you something new and inspiring for 2025!
Solution Focus in Organisation’s, “More Than a Book Club” invites you to an energising, one-hour virtual conversation with the SF community!
SF is not theory, it’s a living experience. Many SF authors have shared their experiences through their own innovative, thought-provoking publications. So many of these are worthy of collective exploration and discussion. And SF can also be evidenced in the least obvious of places, in books where absolutely no mention of SF is made, but clear SF undertones are easy to find. And we realise that SF in organisations, or in life in general, is more widespread than we might imagine. Come join us as we delve into the obvious, and the not so obvious!
In each session, we’ll take a book, a poem, a podcast, or anything similar and explore its connections to Solution Focus, letting us broaden our perspectives and share our thoughts in a convivial setting. Expect a friendly, lively, and enjoyable conversation with like-minded practitioners either in your region, across the globe, or both!
The very first event will run at a similar local time on the same day in three time zones (Americas, Europe, Australasia) with separate hosts and discussing the same book – ‘The Forest of Wool and Steel’. Come along to one or all of them.
Why not treat yourself to an early festive gift, an enlightening read, and then come and see in the New Year with your SF friends. What a great way to start 2025!
When? Thursday 2 January 2025 at 11 am local in three time zones – Australasia (AEST); Europe (CET) and Americas (PST)
Where? On Zoom (see links in the order confirmation and we will send reminders)
What? ‘The Forest of Wool and Steel’ by Natsu Miyashita
Hosts? John Teager (Australasia), John Brooker (Europe) and Annie Bordeleau (Americas)
For whom? SFiO thinkers, learners, and anyone with a sense of curiosity
Sign up below.
‘The Forest of Wool and Steel’ is a warm and mystical story for the lucky few who have found their calling – and for the rest of us who are still looking. It shows that the search for purpose is a winding path – one filled with treacherous doubts and astonishing revelations.
The book is excellent, and we encourage you to read some or all of it beforehand (it is widely available). If you haven’t read the book, come along anyway—the conversation might encourage you to pick it up afterwards!