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Leading Public Administration - New rationale, practice and tools for creating and developing public sector leadership

About this Book

The future of public sector leadership notably differs from the ‘old-school’ New Public Management. The world is now more complex and managing people and performance in it requires a new kind of mindset based on cooperation, mutual trust, and learning. Public sector leaders are in a key position in the development of our societies. Balancing public-sector leadership theory with practical illustrations and examples, tools and techniques, the book helps managers master the art of public-sector leadership and leadership developers to design cross-sectoral learning and co-operation - in which Solutions Focus is an essential ingredient.

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Marika Tammeaid
Marika Tammeaid
SFiO Reviewed Practitioner
InterAction Contributor
SFiO Contributor

Dr Marika Tammeaid is a Solution-Focused Coach, developer and leadership trainer, currently working as the Director of Development at the Finnish, Itla Children’s Foundation. Previously she was responsible for designing and leading the “Route for renewal” public sector leadership training courses at the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra.
