Stanus Cloete has 30 years of life coaching experience and started doing business coaching in November 2008 when he established Agosolf Coaching. He studied with SF Work in the UK during 2009 and obtained his SFPro Certificate with Mark McKergow and Jenny Clark of SF Work. He is a member of SOLWorld as well as COMENSA (Coaches and Mentors of South Africa).
At the end of 2009 I was contacted by the proprietor and manager of two hair salons with the request for a team motivation workshop for their hair stylists. The prioprietor is a patent lawyer and the manager a hair stylist. She manages both salons. They provide an upmarket hair salon for men although they have many female customers.
Stanus really engaged all the participants as customers for change. He was very skilful in waking up the team’s imagination about the possible good future and picking up exercises suitable to the particular environment. Stanus transparent and encouraging way to facilitate helped the team trough crucial moments of discussion and lead to valuable insights for the participants. With seemingly light and funny tools he contributed to profound changes in the team’s ability to adopt and implement the company strategy.